Page 219 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 219

Divinity is a Play and Divine the Way
completely to the will of God / Master, maintaining the relationship between Master and devotee which will finally bring us upto that highest state of super consciousness (SDG 84-85). To make an abhyasi realize the sole responsibility resting on him to be sincere in practice, Babuji says “My Master unequivocally declares: ‘spirituality is my responsibility, as practice is your responsibility.’”
To establish relation with the Real being, Babuji suggests the method of making a beginning from Infinity in finiteness to get absorbed in Infinity, washing away the idea of finiteness thereby getting into the path. The way lies clear as the finiteness gets dissipated from the mind. As we proceed in the Infinite and to the Infinite, even the idea of Infinity can not, as a result, pop up. In the words of Babuji “Now the Reality dawns. Further on, when we have jumped into Reality, the play ends and the scene begins. But this is not the end. Go on and on. Not only this, not only this- ‘Neti Neti’”(SDG 96)
Babuji summarizes that every honest genuine practicant is bound to comprehend and experience spiritual advancement in the right way (SDG 143). But it is possible only for a heart and mind oriented to soul and God. In this science of spirituality, certainly, there remains so much beyond and above the grasp of heart and mind (intellect) that special emphasis is laid on cleaning and training of heart and mind. The finest Divine gift Babuji asserts, is a Patrimony of the entire progeny of mankind, but is reserved just for the human being residing in the state of moderation in all respects. But even here, observation of Pujya Babuji Maharaj goes that Proper from of orientation and effort for that is difficult to be one’s fortune. “To be Real man is hardly available even to human beings”

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