Page 228 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 228

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
towards the object of his love; but in higher stages the foam and fury is dimmed to the extent of an almost total loss of its awareness at the ultimate stage. The superfine level of devotion may be spoken of as total self-surrender from which the awareness of surrender has entirely been withdrawn by the grace of the supreme Master Himself.
Next comes love. The greatest motivating force in the world is love; the greatest love in creation is the love of God/Guru.
The only relationship man can have is with God/Guru. It is God/Guru who disciplines us; it is the Guru who loves us. We have to earnestly follow His teachings and be in love with him day and night as His one desire is to help us become reunited with the Ultimate. May His love and boundless blessings rain on us eternally and uninterruptedly in an endless shower.
Next comes humility. With no selfish motive behind it, selfless service is a way of killing the ego which is the source of all troubles. The one with humility wins the hearts of one and all, without exception the heart of God/Master.
True humility is humility before the Divine/Master, that is, a precise, exact, living sense that one is nothing, one can do nothing, understand nothing without the Divine, that even if one is exceptionally intelligent and capable, that is nothing in comparison with the Divine consciousness and this sense one must always keep because then only one has the true attitude of receptivity – a humble receptivity that does not put personal pretensions in opposition to the Divine/Master.
Next comes obedience. Obedience plays an important part in our spiritual development. Our attitude shall be “I shall serve the Master in the way He says”. Babuji illustrated the example of Ayaz who was

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