Page 24 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 24

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
6. Bh.Devasena
Our Great Master Sriramchandra ji in His article Superstition and spirituality has said that “When we are out of light we fall in darkness, when we are out of wisdom we become fools and when we are out of reality we become satans.
At the out set what is Reality. Reality is to realize our true self that is Divinity we are divine expressions. A real man is he who expresses these qualities of satya ,ahimsa, asteya, aparigraha and brahmacharya at human level and in addition qualities like kshama, daya, karuna, empathy at the divine level.
When we observe how many are able to really express these qualities may be very few .Because people have gone out of reality and living in an unreal world filled with selfishness, greed, temptations, superstitions, fear, sadism, ego etc. All these are depictions of satanic qualities .Who is satan. A person with above mentioned qualities can be called a satan.
In this moderns world filled with unreality satan is playing the dominant role. People are their fore unhappy, unrest crying for peace running after something unknown. There is social and moral degradation and people are living at animal level and at times even below animality.
At the time when spirituality was tottering helplessly and solid materialism has usurped the position of spiritualism in human life and yogic transmission had become quite obsolete the great soul descended down to earth in the form of Samarth Guru Mahatma Sri Ramchandraji Maharaj of Fatehgarh on 2nd Feb 1873 which is a new era in spirituality. He brought us back the technique of Pranahuti or yogic transmission which was designed into a method called Sahaj Marg by our beloved Master Babuji Maharaj. Our master has said God has

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