Page 271 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 271

Demolition of the past is a chapter in the Natural Path
conceptions had to be rethought. Philosophies help bind people to set notions. Thus I was to meet the challenge of the New”. It happened that I should meet Shri Ramchandraji. Firstly his views were clearly different from my whole past.
1. The conception of the Ultimate as Zero was quite against my philosophic inclination. Having failed with the positive concept it is time to experiment with this – Is it likely to be true ? The Zero has to be understood as the Beginning or Origin of all possibilities being nothing of what it becomes.
2. The concept of Invertendo shows how the deformation of evolution is natural and the power inherent is Zero (Nirguna). I began understanding of meaning of Vivartha. All flow necessitates the inversion and it is natural.
3. The formations of the descent are clearly on this principle of inversions.
4. The vast Brahman extends upto our knowledge of it. Thus Truth, Consciousness and Bliss themselves are attributes which get transcended in higher approaches. Sachidananda are not Ultimate Reality, they too being terms of knowing – Sankara too gets transcended.
5. The Individual is continuous with the Universal and the Ultimate, and is not abolished. The Pralya or mergence is cosmic and supra cosmic and then all are withdrawn into the Ultimate.
6. The individual ray of the Ultimate has created for itself an organic organization of physical, vital, mental and supramental centres and organs. These may well be the knots which has demarcated the several systems known as the physical, vital, mental or bonal, muscular, circulatory,alimentary,harmonic,nervous, supranervous and psychic etc. they have become autonomous in a sense

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