Page 291 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 291

Demolition of the past is a chapter in the Natural Path
‘past’ we have. One that which is eternal, the unchangeable original condition, the state of absolute Purity from which we have descended and the other which has been assiduously built by us called by the Master, the individual network, a super structure that has been built up over the foundation, the Ultimate Ground of all Existence.
The individual network is sustained by the ‘separative’ feeling engendered in us, that each one of us is separate from the other and so also from the Supreme Being. We carry this uniqueness or individualistic feeling, that we are all independent existences each with his goal/s and way/s for achieving the same with the aim of securing individual satisfaction, pleasure and happiness. An unfortunate corollary to this thinking has been that all others and their own individual pursuits of happiness would be and in most cases, actually be impediments to the securing and permanence of our own enjoyment/happiness. This promotes feelings of insecurity, rivalry, jealousy, competition, ill-will which further widen the gulf between one another resulting in all the ills which have been plaguing humanity for so long. Friends have become aliens and even brothers belonging to the same biological parents often go to violent extremes, the disputes and rabid enmity being carried down the ‘family tree’.
The Master has dealth with the above theme in His commentary on the 6th commandment. All the above are the result of our forgetting our own ‘past’ of the first kind namely, our original nature, that each one of us is an inalienable part of the same Supreme Whole and we having come down from That, have also brought the same Whole in ‘essence’ as our own inheritance/share.
Now we will look in some detail at the ‘past’ of the second kind which is nothing but our ‘belongings’

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