Page 296 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 296

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
unencumbered by the aforesaid desires caused by the pile/burden of samskars. As it has been described elsewhere and not repeated here, we simply note that the samskars get wiped out through the process of boga (praarabdha the ones which have become ripe for fruition causing this life) and being fried up (sanchitaa those accumulated from earlier lives) so that just as fried up seeds do not germinate, the fried up impressions are rendered ineffective in causing action along their lines. (For the present we are not considering the problem of the aagaami impressions).
Master has referred to such persons as those enjoying the quite advanced stage of spirituality known as ‘beej-dagdh’.
‘They have already passed through the stage of death(in its usual sense as the end of a particular type of material form)bringing into effect the negation of self, which in other words means freedom from the effect of materiality in which a man is deeply engrossed. The result is that while having their physical body intact they begin to feel dead and gone. This is a particular type of spiritual state which may be attained after sufficient progress. This is known as the state of beej-dagdh’.(Sruti-64/5)
The above gives the criterion for testing whether the ‘demolition of the past’ has in fact occurred. While discussing the question ‘whether the mahatmas have their minds shattered’, the Master makes the following interesting observation, ‘Your question as to whether the mahatmas have their mind shattered or destroyed is a peculiar one. I believe only a made-up thing can be shattered. A made-up thing is that which is covered with grosser layers. If a building is demolished the floor remains unaffected thereby. Now judge yourself whether the mind is really destroyed or only transformed. I call it regulation of mind which means only the removing of the

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