Page 299 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 299

Demolition of the past is a chapter in the Natural Path
Otherwise wrong information in wrong time will perturb us. If the foundation of building as well as the ground on which it is laid is not strong and systematic it does not support the structure built on it. For brighter future we have to cultivate relevant habits to get regulation of mind so that we perform efficiently in the present.
Living in the past or future will not solve the problem, moreover adds to the problem. Here past denotes memory of past events tinged with emotions. Past events or memory of them as such can not be demolished or denied or even changed. Lessons of life are comparable to Education. The more number of times we read the same chapter, the better understanding we will be having and misunderstood concepts will be corrected. This happens only when we follow the correct method of reading. If we don’t implement the corrections made by teachers or from lessons taught by time, the results will be different.
Even though we are aware of the irrationality of many of our thoughts, we can not help but to act accordingly and suffer. Repeated acts strengthen habit of mind which worsens the situation. The past contains both favorable and unfavorable habits and attitudes with respect to practice. It is admitted fact that one following the right path will have well past history of practice. It is up to him to see that the temperament is maintained all through. The wisdom to eliminate the unfavorable ones is also to be maintained for ever. These two aspects are being supported by Master.
It is common observation to see people entrusted some work will do it in less interested manner compared to works selected by them. The ‘Interest’ involves ‘I’ ness resulting in expectation about the results of the action. In case of perceived failure in any manner repeatedly, disappointment arises leading to ‘inaction’. When we are

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