Page 314 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 314

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
8. Sri. B. Narasimhulu
The above observation of Pujya Babuji should provoke us to ponder about what exactly is the past that is going to be demolished. Why should it be done? Does it stand in our way to achieve some thing higher? If so, what exactly is to be done? Can we do it ourselves? If not, do we require the help of someone who is capable of helping us in this regard?
We will find answers for all the above, in the various works of Pujya Babuji Maharaj including His speeches delivered on various occasions, His letters to abhyasis in reply to their queries and clarifications given during various conversational sessions with abhyasis and others. Further we have lucid elucidation from works of Revered Dr.K.C.Varadachari Garu, Revered Iswar Sahaiji, Revered Brother K.C.Narayana garu and others also.
It is said that no human being has any freedom – of choice, of action – until and unless he is able to eradicate, to erase, the programming which his samskaras have imposed on him. We require the help of an external guide/guru who with his Yogic powers utilizing the Divine Energy for the transformation of man can eradicate his past samskaras and guide him to achieve the goal of human life, putting him in the right path of spirituality, destroying his creation so that God’s creation can come into effect.
The gist of spirituality is nothing but giving up or discording all the coverings (or limitations) that serve to keep the soul in bondage.
Pujya Babuji Maharaj in Dawn of Reality stated as follows. “The existence of soul can be traced out as far back as to the time of creation when the soul existed in

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