Page 332 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 332

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
point ‘B’ is prescribed for a brief ten minutes prior to morning meditation, to facilitate peaceful dhyana.
Since the scope of the seminar with the present topic is limited to a discussion on demolition of the past, it is prudent to conclude the paper with a few observations of the effect of the process of cleaning has on our efforts to gain progress in other facets of Sadhana.
Demolition as a process occupies a rather predominant and essential chapter in the natural path due to its being the gateway for the induction into the system. It greatly facilitates the regulation of mind in gaining stability in dhyana which again helps in tasting the spells of peace in short intervals in varying degrees of duration, may be even for a few seconds. Practice of owning a given condition of higher stages in Sadhana by grace of Babuji is certainly a step in progress, besides opening up a channel for liberation, though it may appear ambitious. Master asserts that ‘As long as all samskaras are not thrown out, there can not be liberation’ ( SS 282)
Finally, about the process of cleaning, Rev Babuji’s observations while dealing with ‘Sensitivity and experiences’ is worth recapitulation any number of times. His precise observations being: ‘Certainly there remains so much beyond and above the reach and grasp of heart and mind ( intellect ), but proper comprehension and experience of that too is possible only through the heart and mind, which is oriented to soul and God. Just due to this, then, there is special emphasis on cleaning and training of heart and mind in this science.’ ( Showers of Divine Grace 174)
Dear brothers and sisters, let us take special note of this observation of Babuji in this important aspect of Sadhana and deserve His grace by assiduous practice with utmost regularity.

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