Page 34 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 34

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
disposition and contentment which is to be understood as ingratitude and we are no way near to Reality. Under such situations we are under the influence of Satan.
It is our birth right to be a Rishi ie. To live at Human Plane. When we are not following the principles of Satya, Ahimsa, Asteya, Aparigraha, and Brahmacharya ie, we are not at Human Plane and therefore away from Reality in that sense.
We are bestowed with the faculty of thinking and with that we also gained capacity for creation. This lead us to the thoughts resulting in action. As a result of this we form layers and layers of grossness around the original purity and artificiality has set in. We forgot our true, plain and simple nature.. When we entertain the thoughts other than Divine they form a base for us which tend us to towards lower plane. We should never entertain the Satan (Lower Plane) in us to take over us as it is as dangerous as cancer and eats us away. We are completely governed by it and lose our capacity to think. A small idea that we entertain will take us deep into its fold and starts dictating us even as britishers has started ruling over us. They also started as mere traders whom we allowed into our country and they ended up ruling our country.
We should always be clear of our Goal and it should always be kept in our mind. If we lack Goal clarity then every alternative thing seems to charm us and we are driven to it to satisfy our urges. In the process of accomplishing them we tend to loose balance. There is a need for moderating our mental tendencies to regularize our actions, then only we can keep pace with the Divine endeavor.
Intellectually we may understand that we should express Divine i.e, we should be happy, be truthful, lead a contended life and lead a life of harmony etc. Many times

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