Page 346 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 346

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
we pronounce, if our heart does not respond to them or if life is not tuned in the same direction as our prayer, it will not reach out God wards.
When we ask for something in our prayers, we undertake by implication to do it with all our strength, all our intelligence and all the enthusiasm we can put into our action and with all the courage and energy we have. In addition we do it with all the power which God will give us. If we do not do this, we are wasting our time praying. Our mind must be formed, moulded to the words filled and harmonised with them. Our heart must accept them with complete conviction and express them with all the strength of which we are capable and our will must take over them and transform them into action. Therefore prayer and action should become two expressions of the same situation vis-à-vis God and ourselves and everything around us. Short of that we are wasting our time.
Even our mind creates problems for us. Success in work gives rise to egotism, which leads to arrogance and superiority complex. Failure makes us depressed and create inferiority complex. Guided by our own impure intellect we err and try to justify it with futile arguments. Sometimes we neglect our duties and responsibilities and try to escape from problems out of fear or weakness. To handle day to day affairs we need to train our mind, emotions and feelings without which we cannot have a happy and peaceful life. This easily be achieved by developing a prayerful attitude thro’ out the day (i.e.) constant remembrance of the Divine. Lord Krishna to Arjuna ” Remember me constantly and fight”. Let us seek Divine guidance, remember Him and pray to Him for right understanding.
Seeking help from a stranger is begging, seeking help from a known person is a request and seeking help from God is prayer. In begging we become the object of

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