Page 372 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 372

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
come when spirituality will run after all of us if our preceptors are so willing to have the idea for the betterment of the people in all respects. It is now for us, duty bound, to make the above observation of Revered Babuji to come true.
This to say that man’s superiority really consists not in the power of possession (i.e.) restricting the achievement of Goal for his own self alone, but in the power of union (i.e.) to strive for the spiritual elevation of all. As observed by Revered Babuji, now is the opportune time since through all the diversities of the world, the one in us is threading its course towards the one in all. This is its nature and this is its joy for which the Master had already laid the foundation and it is for us to make it come true.
Revered Babuji observed in “Dawn of Reality” that service and sacrifice are the two main instruments with which we build the temple of spirituality, love, of course being the fundamental base. (DR-87) The above aspect of service (selfless) is brought out lucidly by Revered Dr.K.C.Varadachari grace in his article “Human Destiny is Sri Ramchandra’s New Darsana” (pages583- 584 in complete works of Dr.K.C.Varadachari, Vol I)
It states as follows.
“The New Darsana is for those who participate in the Divine Work of Divinising Man-rather than those who seek individual transformation. The assurance of Master that He is taking care of every abhyasi and that every abhyasi should spread the message, means, that everyone should actively participate in bringing about simplicity, purity and fraternal feeling in all, not worrying about his own realization. It is not therefore meant that one should not have the craving. It is a must, it is the promise and it is the beginning. But that is not the work of the Master nor

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