Page 4 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 4

Sri Ramchandra Publishers is proud to place before you the following publication “Bodhayanti Parasparam – Volume 6”. The contents of the present book contain articles presented at various seminars held by “Imperience” over the last 5 years relating to various practical aspects of sadhana with respect to the system of Pranahuti Aided Meditation.
The volume contains all the papers presented at the seminars excluding the first two seminars. The first seminar was on the topic “Moulding is the preceptors business” in which only one paper was presented. This paper has been published in “Bodhayanti Parasparam – Vol 4”. The second seminar was on “Meditation is not enough”. In this seminar 35 aspirants participated and they were asked to give an improptu writeup about the topic in question. These has not been included as part of this presentation.
In this volume one can see the depth of understanding of the participants with respect to the various practical aspects related to sadhana, truth, dogma, duty, moulding, demolition of samskaras and imperience.
From the articles in this volume it can be seen that while in regular seminars held at academic institutions the discussion is primarily limited to philosophical arguments herein one can see the practical input and effort of the

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