Page 424 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 424

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
one by one and assume the absolute state as we had at the time of creation” (SDG 140). To shatter off these thick layers of opacity dynamic methods should be adopted, which can only be those that introduce from the very beginning the character of the infinite. Normal human tendency is to develop undue attachment to material objects which are of a transient nature (not realizing their true nature) making themselves as limited attempting only for the finite. As the finiteness is glittering with all the worldly charms attracting, the center in us has lost the capacity of grasping the infinite. To correct the position, the natural path enjoins upon everyone to do our duty in the way finiteness demands. This entails us to assume trusteeship to take care of needs of dependants in family life. Alongside, we should also be mindful of the infinite and be alive to the need of forming part of it finally. Thus, we should attempt the finite for the infinite, as bird sours with both its wings outstretched in its flight. (SDG58)
As a measure of assurance of the efficacy of the system Babuji clearly mentions ‘I feel bold enough to say that besides Natural Path, there is no other sadhana or worship which can bring forth such top level results in such a short time as in a part of a man’s life. That is what Natural path stands for’ (SDG 102)
A brief mention only was made in para 9 above of the necessary steps needed for reaping the fortune to become a real man. A brief discussion of the same appears appropriate in this context, as the moulding of an individual prescribed in commandment 9 is dependent on this accomplishment. Moderation would mean balancing and maintenance of equanimity under all circumstances a human being faces in his daily routine essentially involves regulation of mind.
Commandments 6 and 4 ordain the development of universal love and keeping as close to nature as

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