Page 437 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 437

No doubt the world will be paradise, but for that we have to work very hard
There is a role for everybody without exception, more so for people practicing PAM as we have accepted the master, which means his mission.
The first step required on part of practicants of Pranahuti Aided meditation is living at upper level of consciousness where the principles of truth, Non-injury, Non-Covetousness, Non-stealing and living in consonance with the Divine are followed in thought, word and deed. These are values that can be followed by everybody and are universal.
From the upper level of consciousness, transform into the cosmic consciousness, then to the Para cosmic consciousness and ultimately into the Sri Ramchandra consciousness.
The effort put in transforming is with the intention of tilting the balance of collective consciousness towards Sri Ramchandra Consciousness, and also assisting the rest of the population move towards Sri Ramchandra consciousness.
The reason as why it is very hard work is that, we have segregated the spiritual from the worldly. And we see them as two separate entities. Actually both are integral. And since we spend most of our time in the worldly or say mundane, we have got into a habit of seeing everything from that angle only. Every lesson we learn in spirituality is to make us perform better in life and every lesson we learn in the worldly life is to help us grow spiritually.
Every injury has to renew our strength, every insult has to give us more confidence, every misery a more love, every loss has to enhance our faith, every success has to make us more humble, every reprimand a new resolve, every failure a new found zeal, every taunt

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