Page 446 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 446

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
Vairagya is the renunciation of and non- attachment to transitory physical objects. It does not mean running away from worldly objects like a hermit in a cave, but rather psychic non-attachment to objects. Vairagya or non-attachment can only be attained after Viveka has awakened. It is not really renunciation, as it is understood by many ascetics.
It arises from an attraction to the Supreme rather than repulsion to the worldly affairs. It arises from seeing the finite world as the manifestation of the Infinite where in the love for the finite and the love for Infinite merge”.
Revered Dr.K.C.Varadachari in his New Darshana under the chapter “The Goal of Sri Ramchandra’s Rajayoja” explained about the parallelism between the Divine and human, finite and infinite as follows. (Complete works of Dr.K.C.V Vol.1 page 346).
“As pointed out by Sri Ramchandra, there is apparently a parallelism between the Divine and the Human, the spiritual and the material or the subtle and the gross; in creation material is manifested and in involution the spiritual is manifested. It is clear that one is covered by the other, and when any deep crisis or necessity arises in material conditions, then, in the void so created, the spiritual enters, for Nature abhors a vacuum. Divine intervention in human affairs occurs under such circumstances. The aspiration for spiritual peace is one such crisis and the hiatus created by material conditions is the opportunity for the Divine descent in each individual or in society itself, when such a gap develops in community or race and so on. This breaking of the Spirit, which overturns the material and makes it go under, whilst itself becoming more and more manifest, reveals the precise conditions which produce A vatars, conversions and so on.

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