Page 50 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 50

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
Rev. Brother. Raghavendra Rao Garu in his book “Panoramic View of Sahaj Marg” stated as follows. “Life has got the tendency to grow. Growth involves struggle. The struggle for growth is more evident in man. When man becomes too much conscious of the struggle he feels pain and misery. Many a time the idea of growth vanishes from view and only struggle remains for his lot.
It becomes necessary to clearly understand the nature of struggle going on in man. As every man is aware, there is an animal in man and also there is something greater than it. Man finds out this by his thinking. Sometimes the animal in him becomes stronger and some other times, the other aspect in him becomes stronger. So long as his animal aspect is stronger, his pain and misery due to his struggle is cruder and grosser. In such a condition, his struggle will be directed either for gaining power to compete with and subdue his fellow beings or for gratification of baser urges. This will appear to be never ending problem with the consequent experience of never ending miseries and sorrows. When the superior aspect in man takes the upper hand, the struggle in him is directed towards a higher evolution with a consequent experience of a different kind of pain, misery which is at once sweet, ennobling and subtle. Therefore, the struggle in man can be said to be either physical or spiritual. Happier and nobler is he who opts for the spiritual”.
It is said that pain and affliction draw out the powers of the soul and make character.
Happiness and pain or disease or misery are not things which we seek and find, they are things which happen to us because of our samskaras. Suffering and disease are the boon of nature in disguise which help deliverance from the effect of samskaras besides they help us to remember our original nature (home) so that we may

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