Page 522 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 522

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
Sir further says that some abhyasis who have stated that they are not able to develop these virtues or expect them to be granted by some other force rather than generating through their own will are likely to fail in sadhana. The help of the Master comes only when we do our duty.
Some abhyasis have stated that 'I am not able to just satisfy with due attachment', which is also expressed in another way that 'I am yet to develop due attachment'. We should note that there is nothing like developing due attachment. We are as on date unduly attached: if we reduce that undue attachment then it is due attachment. Nobody develops due attachment. There can be only one attachment and that is the attachment with the Divine and that ensures limiting other attachments to the level that can be called 'due'.
Some abhyasis felt that 'Trusteeship is something we should develop.' Trusteeship is not something to be developed; being a 'trustee' is what we are already. The Divine has trusted us and entrusted care of certain things and persons to us. We should be aware of it; we should know that we are only trustees. We don't develop that, our status is only that. We are trustee only; we thought that we are the owners. We have to give up that delusion of ownership. This point has to be understood. If we think we are the owner, we have lost the game already. When some one says he is not able to be a trustee and leave the idea of ownership it means he is not sure about God and the absolute right of His over everything in creation. Let there be no confusion on this subject. Viveka will grant Vairagya provided our Viveka is right. It is His property therefore we have no business to say it is ours. By being constantly aware of the Divine we will be in a position to stabilise ourselves in the state of Vairagya.

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