Page 549 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 549

Whatever act you do, do it in the thought “It is the Divine’s command and therefore it is my duty to do so”
an ideal in this respect, and I am following in his foot steps. Vairagya does not in any way mean the neglect of duty, whether in respect of the world or of the Divine
The Sahaj Marg system (Natural path) makes it possible for us to do our duty the way the finiteness(material world)demands, and to proceed along side towards the infinite. It reveals to us our duty as the foremost thing, so we should correct both the things that is we should fly with both the wings. That is to say, our duty to the worldly affairs is as important as it is to Divinity without neglecting either. (SDG 58)
“I wish you to be ever happy, but happiness consists in the due discharge of one’s duty. The Gita lays so much stress upon it. It is infact the very soul of spirituality. One must be prepared to face boldly the difficulties and the worries that happen to come across one’s way on the path of duty to all those one might be connected with. This is but a petty sacrifice which is nothing in comparison to the suffering of all our successive lives. The only thing I insist upon is the due discharge of duty towards the world and the Divine and that is all and enough for the attainment of liberation within this life” (Ss 398).
3) Daily work being done under God’s command:
“The only way to develop love is constant remembrance. While doing your daily work you must think that you are doing it in obedience to God’s orders and hence as Part of your duty “.(SS 32-33).
“We perform our duties and remember Him as the ultimate Reality. Duty is itself worship if the idea that it is the order of God remains in the mind” (SS129).

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