Page 57 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 57

Suffering is the root and results are flowers
When there is a problem encountered which results in suffering, if we consider what all good has accrued because of this system, we may not waste so much time in brooding over the problem and its suffering. Instead we will become more serious in Sadhana and we develop a stoic attitude towards life saying that as long as I can do my sadhana, these small problems will not deter me.
When we consider the final goal that we aspire for and when we look at what we are today, we realize that there is a lot of purification that is necessary due to which we need to undergo the effects of the samskaras that we carry with us. The process of undergoing the effects of the samskaras is through situations in Life. These could be in the form of misery or joy; comfort or discomfort.
What is a problem to one could be a pleasure to someone else. For instance a poor person walking to his office, which is a few kilometers away, could be viewed as a problem. At the same time a rich person who can afford the best car jogging in a park for more time covering more distance could be seen as a Luxury. Both sweat it out and both are getting tired (suffering) but one under the name of luxury and the other under the name of misery.
When we do the meditation on point B regularly, internal purity develops. When we do meditation on Point A regularly, we form our fate accordingly and if we are serious about our goal we do things, which are conducive for the goal. The meditation on points A and B help us to become more serious about sadhana and this helps us in doing our morning meditation regularly and before sunrise.
The second commandment says that we pray for spiritual elevation, which can be looked at as becoming

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