Page 587 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 587

“The difficulty arises when we remain held up by our own resourcefulness applied for our advancement”
worship adopted by those introduced into the path which included continuance by them of the earlier methods adopted by them. Not following of what is prescribed can be an act of omission, while continuing of those which are obviously detrimental to advancement in the refined method of journey to Ultimate is clearly an act of commission. Added to this feature, if abhyasis introduce their own methods it is still more dangerous as it is highly detrimental to their progress and harm their own interests. Even, as Babuji describes in the message “They have lost the Ocean”, trainers, who are expected to lead others on the prescribed path are observed to have been guilty of this error of commission for which Babuji never blames
them, but states that such is his fate and his fortune!
If we are truthful by any means to ourselves, following 5th Commandment in letter and spirit, there is no scope for any unfortunate situation of committing such errors of omission and commission.
Finally, Babuji says that state of self-surrender where the true devotee surrenders himself completely to the will of God, ushers in the ideal state of relationship between the Master and the devotee. This relationship alone, Rev. Babuji Maharaj observes as the only one that finally brings us up to that highest level of super consciousness, where the true character of the being is revealed.
It will be very appropriate to bring into the discussion, the state of relationship (Master and the devotee) that existed between Bhagwan Krishna and the great warrior of Mahabharat- Arjuna. A brief discussion between Lord Krishna and Arjuna leading to the situation of complete surrender of Arjuna to Lord Krishna appear necessary:--

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