Page 635 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 635

“Some are deluded by their own thinking and some are illumined by Divine Grace”
2. Sri. M. Radhakrishna Murthy
While dealing with the topic of “Spiritual Training through yogic transmission (Pranahuti), Pujya Sri Babuji Maharaj revealed a great secret or mystery unknown so far in any method of yogic Sadhana under Rajayoga relating to the entire course of a man’s life getting changed by this process.
In this context He mentions how human beings are deluded by their own thinking and yet some others are illumined by Divine Grace. One may get deluded (viz. entertaining a false belief or opinion about himself or his situation)- as for instance, in thinking that lord Krishna could have changed the heart of Duryodhana instead of bringing about the battle of Kurukshetra: if he had such power. Babuji says that such opinions need not hinder us in trying to find out the reality, because God’s ways are mysterious. Babuji further states that logical conclusions are no substitute for the craving of the heart. The heart is not satisfied even if the logic stops in some blind alley. (Silence Speaks-230)
It is common knowledge that it is a Divine secret or mystery that the great war of Mahabharata was a dictum of nature in which huge multitudes of likes of Duryodhana should be ruthlessly wiped out of earth’s surface at the appointed time and Bhagavan Krishna descended on earth as Avatar for the purpose of establishing Dharma (righteousness), among others, which He accomplished. Puffed with arrogance and having abiding faith in his army’s power, Duryodhana deluded himself which finally brought about his end.
From the observation of Babuji (which forms the topic for the day’s seminar) one has to conclude that it is the thought which makes or mars an individual’s life.

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