Page 638 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 638

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
discipline in restraining from its usual play of unsteadiness and wandering nature without any hindrance. By constant and regular Sadhana, though greatly causing disturbance and obstructing Sadhana, the mind gradually comes to settle on its own. It is incumbent on the sadhaka to be always alert during the entire period of sitting, so as to receive any hints or Divine commands. In the earlier periods of Sadhana, the abhyasi gets accustomed to develop sensitivity which again largely depends on his ability to give special attention on the Divine Light for large periods while remaining in attentive to fleeting thoughts. Feeling lighter during Sadhana (which is a sign of mind shedding its heavy weight of thoughts) is a sure sign of progress, which every abhyasi feels; it is an adequate testimony of the efficacy of the system and none needs to confirm it. This is part of his individual Sadhana.
The subtlest Divine energy flowing into the system with force forms a number of plexuses, centers and sub-centers forming whirls, due to polluted thinking of abhyasi preventing abhyasi’s Yatra from point to point thus hindering his progress. While commencing meditation, we render prayer requesting the Master to bring us up to that state (viz. highest level or ultimate). Conceding one’s request Master, in an effort to give advancement, attends to cleaning during the process of transmission. This is the most important aspect of Sadhana leading to quick progress is one’s exposure to Master in individual sittings and also in satsanghs. The abhyasi has the opportunity of exposing himself to the care of Master affording the Master to help him getting cleaned. It is only during the transmission by master that great help is rendered to abhyasi (without his knowledge) by cleaning the system with the Divine Will infused by master.

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