Page 665 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 665

c. Happiness is a walk at anytime. Glorious mother nature calls out to you, the morning mist creating an aura of mystery, the noon sunlight, falling on shallow waters, transforming the blue water of the sea to pale, translucent forces.
d. Happiness is the morning sun glistening across a majestic snowcapped mountain peak. We are immediately transported to a magical, mythical world and soon became one with nature. The light filtering thro’ the leaves of the trees and the music coming out of the dancing leaves makes us realize why the Peapal tree is sacred. As we walk along the banks of river, the sacred sound becomes evident in the continuous hum of the water; the secret of life unfolding slowly. Watching the enormity of the ocean, its gigantic waves at high tide on a full moon night makes us realize that we are a tiny drop in the sum total of energy.
e. Happiness is the lotus rising from the pond at dusk. Droplets of water sparkling like diamonds on the leaves. The evening is a spectacle par excellence as the setting sun brings creeping shadows and countless stars. And, as the moon appears from nowhere our cup of happiness is over full.
The above only goes to confirm what has been
said in the preceding Para 3. When Nature itself presents such a spectacular and soul stirring happiness, how much more bliss and happiness we will be blessed with when we realize the creator of nature. Revered Babuji in all His compassion and love for whole of humanity had founded a system, “Natural Path” which, if practiced, sincerely

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