Page 69 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 69

Suffering is the root and results are flowers
7th commandment is the same as already advanced above and in addition it takes into account the fact that all are brothers and sisters springing from the common Source and we shall not be revengeful for the perceived wrongs done through their agency. The acts emanating from a vengeful attitude not only robs us of peace and contentment but engenders further samskars adding further to the requirement of bhoga ensuring continued misery through additional lives. Assiduous sadhana under SRRY and the invaluable help through Pranahuti go a long way in exhausting the bhoga through suffering without adding to the samskaric load.
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A flower is the best and most visible part of a plant and in most plants is the crucial organ involved in the propagation of the species. Fruits come forth from flowers. Flowers bloom in a rich variety of colours and are beautiful to look at. Every living species is attracted towards them and they fill the hearts of the beholder (the humans) with joy. A thing of beauty is a joy forever as they say. They are very delicate and sensitive. When aroma is added to colour the flower becomes all the more dear to us, such as the rose the queen of flowers.
Again metaphorically, the term flower is used to denote ‘the finest specimen’, ‘ornamental as in flowery speech’ and ‘reach finest state of development’. The blooming stage of the flower from the bud state is used allegorically to represent the spiritual awakening and expansion of consciousness. The stage of flowering in a plant is the penultimate and indispensable state prior to the state of fruit-bearing, the state of fulfillment of the very purpose of the origination of the plant.

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