Page 707 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 707

  Commandment: 6 Know all people as thy brethren and treat them as such.
    Fraternity, Universal Love, gratitude
   Jealousy, hatred, ill-will towards others, prejudices
  Commandment 7: Be not revengeful for the wrongs done by others. Take them with gratitude as heavenly gifts.
   T olerance, gratitude
  Revengeful attitude
  Commandment 8: Be happy to eat in Divine thought whatever you get with due regards to honest and pious earnings.
   Contentment, happiness
 In practicality, there is no reason to delve deep in to reasons for unhappiness. We must just focus on the positive side of developing attachment with Master and following the commandments sincerely. When we experience happiness thus, commandment 9 which asks us to mould our living to rouse a feeling of Love and Piety in others will give us meaning to our life here.
Happiness in all circumstances can be had only when we seek happiness in Him and Him alone and not in any fulfillment of wishes. For this we seek His help and that is our prayer when we follow commandment 10.
In the final paragraph, Master writes, “I am here for the service of all and pray that everyone may get over his difficulties and live a happy life worth living for spiritualism. I do not belong to India alone, but to the whole world. So I want that all may taste the beauty hidden in love for the Ultimate.”

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