Page 710 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 710

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
layers of essence also called kosas. These layers can also be considered as the ways of expression of the Pure Consciousness/Self itself for realizing its potential. Five such layers have been identified and they are regarded as being maintained in balance or harmony, a principle basic to all existence. This is the layer of peace or balance also called Ananda in the esoteric sciences. It is always dynamic and pulsating least visible in the grossest form of all existence called Anna. There are higher forms of existence characterized by Life or Prana responsible for preserving and continuation of life and still higher forms of existence such as man in which the Vital life principle is aided by the resources of mental and intellectual essences called as Manas and Vijnana in the esoteric disciplines (the Taittriya Upanishad in particular). There is a constant interplay between the components of the soul or individual self namely, Buddhi (intellect), Manas (affective and conative faculties), ahankar (self-identity) and Chitta (consciousness) and the layers of existence described above constituting the drama of life. The layers act as binds preventing the individual self from recognizing its true nature and subjecting it to the unrelenting cycle of birth and death. Purification of these layers is therefore quite essential so that the soul can know and get established in its real nature. The minimum goal of freedom from the cycle of births or from bondage can be achieved only when the individual self is totally freed from the limitations imposed by these layers and the practices prescribed in the Natural Path aided by the process of Pranahuti help the sadhaka in achieving the above goals.
With the above preliminaries we can look further into the nature and origin of happiness. It is a generally accepted principle in the spiritual traditions that the purpose of creation is the will of the Lord to express 710

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