Page 744 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 744

Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
limitations and recognizing them to be blocks preventing us from being happy make one yield more to the Master. Understanding that miseries are for one’s own good makes him remember Master more and a happiness that cannot be expressed is felt due to the assurance and the motherly embrace of the Master’s love.
The confidence that a block is being removed can be known when the thoughts or feelings related to attachments do not crop up during our meditations. The universal prayer in the night then becomes more meaningful and one begins to participate with the Divine in the real sense.
Master in His message says “I feel happy when the word 'Universal love' comes from the mouth of any person. Generally the saints of the day preach universal love but they do not find ways to tell you how it is acquired. Only remove the hatred, I say, and universal love is there. Suppose a man is a liar and he wants to get rid of this habit, he should start speaking truth because a sort of character will be formed with concentration at the bottom in a natural way. If you attempt to be attentive on lie to be removed it would indirectly make it stronger and stronger because concentration is there by which they get power. So is the case with universal love. It is there like a silk-worm in a cocoon.” (SDG Page122)
Just as the example given above where we are asked to speak the truth instead of attempting to remove the lie, one must keep his attention always on the Divine and continue doing his worldly duties instead of focusing microscopically at each and every problem that we have. The end result of such microscopic focus is that we start meditating on these issues instead of the Divine light that can dispel all these clouds of ignorance. I call it ignorance because the understanding of living at a higher plane is

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