Page 91 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 6
P. 91

Suffering is the root and results are flowers
Besides individual’s own efforts to overcome the sufferings and get over them adds force to the movement of this chain. Our passions, emotions and impulses too contribute a good deal in exacerbating the troubles and at times, to use Master’s expression, cause fierce tempest strong enough to threaten a complete wreck. It is common to attribute these to the circumstances but if one’s mind comes to a harmonious state, circumstances and environment will have no effect on it and there will be no disturbance within us. Rev. Pujya Shri Babuji Maharaj observed that miseries are really our best guide and are very helpful in the making of a real seeker. An unwary individual who is ignorant of the causes of this vicious cycle of births and deaths applies his own force to avoid these sufferings and nullify the effect of these sufferings in purely materialistic plane, in the sense of minimizing or even mitigating the pain attached to these sufferings thereby compounding his own miseries tightening the web of cycle. It is unnatural to think of human life without sufferings and miseries. Even the richest people are not free from sufferings. Moreover the individual’s lack of wisdom to realize that it is part of Divine play and his inability to bask in the tenderness associated with these Divine happenings fuels his grief.
The method of Bhog i.e. undergoing of sufferings and results of own actions, advocated by our Divine Masters including the exponents of Gita, to prevent the formations of samskaras is the greatest Gift to the mankind. Sufferings and miseries, if let free and let play natural role, allow us to undergo bogh i.e. the process of exhaustion of samskaras and vasanas. Human resistance to it is what is required to be moderated or otherwise avoided. Our active resistance to it and our efforts to obliterate the pain that springs from the sufferings will be fatal to out spiritual growth in as much as it is against Nature; whereas a passive attitude coupled with Divine

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