Page 101 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 7
P. 101

 difficulty to accept the living master by virtue of their experiences and imperiences irrespective of his physical existence. If anything the master’s grace in the form of Pranahuti has been proved beyond doubt does not suffer the limitations of any physical form barrier to it.
Form and Name are basic binding factors in our thinking which prevent our breathing our liberated status. But from childhood we are taught in schools and colleges to identify persons, objects and patterns by their form and name and this pattern of thinking makes many think that consciousness also should have a form and name. In this context it may be useful to remember the statement of Lord Krishna as quoted by our Master in his letter to Dr.K.C.Varadachari (EH- 335): “I am reminded of Lord Krishna’s predictions intercommunicated to me some time ago, that the time has not yet come for the people to have a full understanding of your (my: Ed) existence though it shall definitely come but when you (I) have given up the material form.” This makes it amply clear that Sri Ramchandraji whom

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