Page 114 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 7
P. 114

 freedom, while alive or in other words reach the state of jivanmukti. Traditionally it is held that there are five purposes that will be served in this endeavour 1.jnana raksha or preservation of knowledge, 2.T apas or penance or austerity performed in order to do Rajayoga sadhana 3.visamvada bhava, absence of controversy, 4.duhkha nasha or cessation of pain and finally 5.Sukhavir bhava or manifestation of bliss/ serenity. It may be clearly seen the purpose of following the Ten Commandments of the Master is only to arrive at the state of consciousness where these purposes will be served. The lack of clarity in this regard makes many seek their odd notions and feel frustrated.
Master in this essay which is one of his master pieces states we need to follow his system without any deviation. In another context he said that it is the primary duty of man to realise. In this article he apparently contradicts the same saying that “But when we talk of duty we find ourselves enclosed within a sort of limitation.” Duty is specific and it

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