Page 220 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 7
P. 220

DEPENDENCYא Dear co-travelers in the Path,
My humble Pranam to all,
After having been in the company of the Master more intensely for the past one hour it is no pleasant feeling to part with it and come out of the Roaring Silence. Obviously the sweet love and celestial silence is what I call roaring. The magnetic gripping power that passeth understanding that enwrapped us all this while is what we have been asked to share with others and spread the message of the Master. It is over 16 years the ISRC has been assiduously engaged in this task of educating and doing further research even as desired by the Great Master Babuji Maharaj in a letter to me in 1979. The power imperienced is such that we are all overwhelmed by it and some thought it will take care of everything in sadhana. That thought is the main
  א Talk delivered on the occasion of Basant Pancami
th Celebrations 10 Feb 2008

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