Page 231 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 7
P. 231

My salutations to all my brethren on this most auspicious 135th Jayanthi of our Grand Master Rev. Lalaji Maharaj. It has become a custom for us to disturb ourselves after the deep silence we imperience. Of the several bondages we have this is one such that grants us an opportunity to liberate ourselves from our petty limitations and grow into universal beings. What I state has to be viewed from the spirit with which Master said that ‘Realization itself is an amusement.’ A few days back the message of the Master in our diary was “The divine experiences are the perceptions of the conditions relating to Divinity.” (SDG-27) Leaving aside one of the perennial questions, whether Divinity can have any conditions, it is the common experience of all devout persons to qualify Divinity with Silence, Peace, Calmness, Blessing, Compassion, Confidence, Love and such other similar attributes. It
♣ Talk delivered on the occasion of Basant Pancami th
  Celebrations 11 Feb 2008

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