Page 242 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 7
P. 242

 continue meditation. It may be noted that perseverance is an important aspect of determination. With determination we begin to get centred in our meditation. When we are Master- centered we do not experience aversion because we value who and what we are and imperience Oneness.
Oneness is not any magical process as a way of being, that is quite possible for those who imperience the same. In the absence of help through Pranahuti it is regrettably foreign to most people. Many persons do not realize that they can change their actions, feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and identity the moment they imperience their Oneness. Instead most people perceive their actions, feelings and thoughts as a result of influences upon them, and feel they are manipulated and molded against their own choices. We who are blessed by the Master through several influxes of Pranahuti imperience Oneness which is the only Truth of existence. We have many case studies proving that transformation is possible and real through the influx of Pranahuti.

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