Page 156 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 9
P. 156

pray to Him chiefly for the supply of their wants. It is really far from the idea of true love and devotion. A true devotee is one who loves Him not for any favour or worldly interest but merely for love's sake. He always remains in a state of complete resignation to His will. He is perfectly contended with all that is bestowed upon him whether good or bad, joyful or unpleasant. Joy or sorrow is meaningless to him. Everything is a boon to him from his Beloved. Such complete resignation and unquestioning attitude in all matters is the highest form of devotion.(Babuji- reality at dawn- realisation)
There is yet another classification of disciples according to our Master Babuji Maharaj. As he explicitly graced us in this subject it is not intended to comment on the same. He stated that “Sages have classified the disciples under two main heads, the Manmata and the Gurumata. The former are those who approach the Guru with some particular worldly end in view such as relief from worldly misery, desire for wealth, etc. They submit to him only so long as they are hopeful in the achievement of their desires. When they meet disappointment in this respect they are off. For such disciples the question of obedience or submission even does not arise, what to say of surrender. Gurumata disciples are those who obey the commands of the Master in

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