Page 50 - Bodhayanti Parasparam Vol 9
P. 50

was more than happy with one dream where he saw the Lord and then said this is enough. This is enough experience for me. What happened to our civilization? Have we lost our gratitude? Those great saints, those great people who had momentary experiences of the Divine were grateful for that particular one second or two seconds of experience that they remembered it through their life, made that a sheer anchor of faith and why is it we require everyday so many moments of calmness. Is this not a repeated experience that we have got? And have we developed that much of faith in God? I would request you as sadhakas to answer me this question. Don’t answer me, answer yourself, answer God. Gratefulness seems to be something that seems to have been lost in the process of modernization. Civilization seems to have taught us how to be ungrateful. The Divine is telling us every second that I am with you and we ought to be grateful but then we are not. Are you firm? The answer is deep in your heart, it says Yes!. That is the craving of the soul. I attract your attention to another message of the Master where he says “We are moving towards the home land”. One of the first messages that is given in our CD is that. It says we are moving towards our homeland. Every one of us
is moving towards our homeland. The cry is there, 38

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