Page 104 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 104
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
Nature now requires change - a thorough overhauling - and for this purpose, I may assure you, a special personality has already come into existence and has been atworkforabouttwoandahalfyears.1 Thegreatsages of today with highest standing in spirituality, little known to the world in general, are working under his directions. Still more individuals are being prepared for the task ahead. Those who have eyes and vision may see and realize his working and its effect. The task ahead is of a very important nature, and change will be the ultimate result. Time he may take, but the result is inevitable, after which the world will shine forth in its true colour. The time is soon at hand when the various forces of Nature, under his command, will set to work under his guidance after he has prepared the field for it. They are waiting for the task. Such a personality gets power direct to keep the machinery of Nature in proper working order. Saints with clairvoyant vision of the highest type in spiritual phase (yogaja) who have got the capacity to intercommune with the liberated souls, well developed, can justify these facts by directly
1 The period of two years and a half is reckoned from the date of the writing of the book, and about six years from the date of its first publication (1950). Thus it comes to about the end of the year 1944, since when he is at work for the change of the world.