Page 153 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 153
Sri Ramchandra's Commandments: Commandment1
it. Religion helps one only to understand that there is something more in Nature for him to perceive. But for picking up the pearls one must oneself dive deep into the ocean. In fact, the very simplicity, purity and innocence of the Reality have become a veil to it. This book has been written not for the novices but for those who are highly advanced in spirituality.
Performing of Sandhya before sunrise is stressed upon for the reason that the external heat and other influences, which have been driven out of the body, may not creep in again by the effect of the sun which would prevent our deriving the best advantage of the time. It has been generally advised - and Western culture too supports the view - that a separate place must be reserved for each type of work so that relevant thoughts conducive to the nature of the work may spring up on arriving at the place. Man possesses power which he has derived from his thought connection with the Reality. When one resolves to do a thing, the connecting link between the thought and the work becomes intensified, and one begins to draw power from the real source in accordance with the strength of his thought. When the power begins to flow in, and we associate it with a particular point of time, then the remembrance of the work begins to revive in our heart and we begin to feel attached to it in some way or the other. The room or place we sit in for meditation is also charged by our thought force and a feeling of sanctity begins to prevail all over there. The influence taken in by