Page 156 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 156
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
begins to proceed from his state of grossness to the real state. The contraction always starts from below and proceeds gradually upwards because of its upward tendency. Therefore in order to go upwards he must start contracting from below. The form would only be to bring his legs and the allied parts to one pose and to keep them steady. In whatever way it might be done, the form would finally be that of Asan. It is essential because it paves our way to the Ultimate. The posture must always be the same. The reason is that in this way he gets associated with the great Power, the very thing he has taken up in the beginning for the attainment of his particular objective. Thus the form which is associated with Reality helps him a good deal in his primary initiation.
Performing of Sandhya in an upright sitting pose has been thought to be most advantageous from very ancient times, because in that position the flow of Divine grace descends straight upon the abhyasi. If an abhyasi sits crookedly or obliquely, or in an unsteady pose, the flow of effulgence will necessarily be impeded or disturbed whereby the abhyasi will not obtain real bliss and happiness. The abhyasi will thus be deprived of the full benefit of the descent. Therefore in order to get the greatest spiritual benefit one must sit in a proper steady pose. Some may probably think that the upright steady pose may be reflecting a tinge of pride. It is not so. In principle the devotee or abhyasi should present himself before the Master in the same manner as a soldier does