Page 163 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 163
Sri Ramchandra's Commandments: Commandment2
devotee (servant) had only conveyed his own cognizance to the Master but subsequently by the effect of devotion, the Master began to adopt nearness to him, which went on developing till the thought of actual communication began to pervade within him. When communion starts companionship follows. Divine revelations and Nature’s commands then begin to descend upon him and the first phase of initiation thus comes into effect. Now further on... It is mystery; one is speechless. Generally people think that devotion makes us slaves, but here the invertendo rule comes in again. Anyone who adopts this method reaches the Ultimate. The human envision never extended so far and the mystery remains sealed until now.
The reason why prayer should be offered with a heart full of love and devotion is that one should create within himself a state of vacuity so that the flow of Divine Grace may be diverted towards him. In other words we create a space within us which attracts the direct descent of the Divine current. A poet has said, “O, thou thirsty for the Divine intoxication! Empty thy heart for the purpose, for the head of the bottle of wine bows down only over an empty cup.” Constant practice brings a man to a state in whichhebeginstofeelhimselfinprayerallthrough. This state is acquired when an abhyasi practices in the way directed above and the Divine Grace is set into motion. When the final stage is reached he begins to dwell all through in a state of prayer even while discharging his worldly duties, and the same state prevails during all his