Page 177 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 177
Sri Ramchandra's Commandments: Commandment4
which were set into motion by the effect of the Stir. Thus a spider’s web began to be formed. Every particle in its composition possessed the power, and will continue to do so till the time of its return to the Origin comes. When man was created his condition was dormant. The dormant elements which he had brought with him had no manifestation. Gradually the powers inherited by him began to develop and the same original thought that had caused the primary stir, being present in man, began to manifest itself in proportion to its magnitude. It began to display its actions similar to those related with the Divine. The Divine will was to bestow His power from above downwards i.e from high to low, which are contrary to each other. Therefore this will which is present in man took a contrary trend since the particles were thinking the contrary aspect as their real nature and began to manifest itself in proportion to its magnitude just as Divine creation was according to His standard. Therefore man’s creation was contrary to the Nature and similar network started creating in himself, which in respect of purity is in contrast to that of Divine, though the action in both the cases was almost the same. The return of God’s creation will come into effect when the time limit fixed by the Divine will expires, and the return of man’s creation, i.e., of the network interwoven by him, will be possible only when he nullifies the force of the vibrations which he had set up for their formation. Since the vibrations set up by man were contrary to those of the Divine, their crudely grosser