Page 181 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 181
Sri Ramchandra's Commandments: Commandment4
everywhere. At different Chakras or plexuses there are various knots in this network and still more are under formation. For shattering them, the help and support of one who has shattered his own is really invaluable. The theory deserves careful study. These being mysteries so far are now revealed so that people may ponder over them and bring them into practice. After dealing with the subject, my humble request to you, the reader, is that you should try to re- own the latent power which is the very quintessence of Nature by breaking up the network interwoven by yourself. Taking up for the ideal the simplicity of Nature, which is before everybody’s view, you should set to work for the attainment of the Goal in a way that all senses having merged in, may become synonymous with that remains after the fading away of the previous impressions. Then alone can you think of yourself as diverted towards Him in the true sense.
The only method can be one that I have described above. One must go on reducing the activities, shaking off all superfluities that have entered into his being, for the purpose of shattering his individual network and assuming the purest state one has finally to acquire. This is possible only when he associates himself with one who, having shattered his own network, has had enough swimming in the Infinite.