Page 230 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 230
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
numerous examples of saints having attained the highest degree of perfection leading a household life all through. Renunciation is in fact a condition or an inner state of mind, which brings to our view the transitory and changing character of things and creates a feeling of non- attachment with such objects. His eyes are fixed every moment on Reality, which is unchanging and eternal, and he is free from feeling of attraction and repulsion. This is Vairagya (renunciation) in the true sense of the term. When we have achieved this state of mind we are free from desires. We feel contented with what is available to us. The end of desires means the stopping of the formation of Samskaras. What remains now is only to undergo the effect (Bhog) of the previously formed samskaras (impressions) that are to be worked out during the course of our life. Nature too helps us in the work by creating field for Bhog in order to remove the impressions of our thoughts and actions from the causal body. When those coverings melt away we begin to assume finer forms of existence.
In order to control our thoughts and actions we have to look to the proper working of the mind, which is never at rest even for a moment. I have often heard religious teachers railing at it in bitterest terms, ascribing all bad names to it and proclaiming it to be our worst enemy. The reason is quite plain. They think it to be the cause of all evil within us, and consequently they advise people to crush it and not to follow its biddings. But generally people