Page 234 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 234
ReBaalistyicaWt Dritaiwnngs-oWfaSyrsiRanadmMcheansdra
They will then be only like dogs barking after a caravan which goes forward without paying any heed to them. When we are attentive to ideas to check them, concentration is naturally there which breeds power and thus they become stronger.
A most common excuse advanced by certain people today is that they are too busy to devote any time to meditation or similar other practice. But “the busiest man has the greatest leisure” is a well-known saying. I think a man has more time to his disposal than there is work for him to do. Their complaint of the scarcity of time is due only to its wrong adjustment. If we utilize our time to the best advantage we shall never have cause to complain that it is short or scarce. There are others who are a bit frank to admit that it is not for want of time that they remain away from devotional duties but for their habitual negligence and sluggishness that they cannot overcome. To them I would say that they are probably never negligent or sluggish in their trade or profession, which they attend to with full zeal in spite of all personal inconvenience and even illness, only because some monetary gain or profit is in view. Their longing for the material gain turns them unmindful of their inconvenience or illness, similarly if our longing (or Lagan) for the realization of the goal is great, our negligent or sluggish habits will not stand in the way of our efforts or progress. If we go through the history of ancient sages we find that they had sacrificed all the comforts of life for the sake of