Page 239 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 239
Reality at Dawn - Ways and Means
courteous dealing, sympathy and love with fellow beings, reverence to elders, unrevengeful nature and so on. These habits are greatly helpful in our making. Moderation is a characteristic of nature. If we gain complete moderation we are in a way in conformity with nature and it is the very essence of spirituality.
Lastly the most important and unfailing means of success is the prayer. It connects our link with God to whom we surrender ourselves with love and devotion. In prayer we stand before Him as a humble suppliant presenting to Him our true state and completely resigning ourselves to His will. This is the true form of prayer and as true devotees we must also feel satisfied with the Will of the Master. It is a folly to pray to God for petty worldly ends except in most exceptional cases when peace of mind is greatly disturbed for want of bare necessities. We should always pray to the supreme Master the Omnipotent and the Omniscient alone with a mind totally absorbed in love and submission to Him forgetting even ourselves altogether. This is the proper way of offering prayer, which in such a state seldom goes unrewarded. I have dealt with this point more elaborately in my book, Commentary on Ten Commandments of Sahaj Marg.
In the end I may also bring home to your mind that there are different forms and practices for achieving the end. They might lead you on the path of realization to some distance, but how far, I do not propose to discuss