Page 256 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 256
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
shows that he cherishes in his heart a feeling of self - importance or greatness. The consciousness of being a Master, if maintained, soon develops into pride, the crudest form of Ahankar, and consequently into its resultant defects, which are the worst drawbacks in a Guru. It is, therefore, essential for a man to get rid of these evils before he comes out into the field as a Guru. God is the real Guru or Master and we get Light from Him alone. But as it is extremely difficult for a man of ordinary talents to draw inspiration from God direct, we seek the help of one of our fellow beings who has established his connection with the Almighty. It is thus quite evident that if a man comes out as a Guru or Master he has usurped the position really due to God and as such it is nothing but mere blasphemy. He must, therefore, treat himself as the humblest servant of God, serving humanity in the name of the great Master. There will thus be no room for Ahankar and for its resultant evils, which are unfortunately too common nowadays. Reality is totally absent where these evils prevail. A Guru or teacher must, therefore, banish from his heart even the slightest feeling of greatness and superiority and consider himself as the humblest associate or a servant of humanity. My Master of revered memory was an example. All through his life he treated his associates as brethren. The idea that they were his disciples never once crossed his mind. He was ever ready to offer personal services even to his disciples and very often he did it without letting it come to their knowledge. I