Page 261 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 261
Reality at Dawn - Spiritual Training
rules, which often do not correspond with our worldly life. Hence in most cases they prove to be impracticable for those leading a worldly life. Generally teachers induce people to practise restraint by adopting a particular form of living disconnected with worldly concerns and to practise devotion for hours together. Evidently such a type of training is not meant for people in general who cannot dissociate themselves from worldly ties or devote so much time to their devotional exercises. It is for this reason that their preachings do not produce the desired effect and in spite of their best efforts they fail to mould them accordingly. The fact is that they are more theoretical than practical. Is it ever possible for the masses to renounce the world for the sake of liberation? Certainly not. What good then do the common people derive from their teachings? Some of them are even bold enough to proclaim their mistaken notion that higher attainments in spirituality are not possible in a Grihastha Ashram or household life. It really means that they have nothing to impart to the common people except telling them certain superficial things such as frequent bath in the Ganges, feeding the fishes with flour pills or reading the scriptures over and over again. The real problem before us is not to provide means for the spiritual training of a chosen few who have renounced the world but of people in general whose duties in the world besides devotional are manifold and which they cannot safely ignore. They in fact fail in their duty if they neglect any of them. To them it is essential