Page 266 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 266
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
recommended by teachers in order to effect the moulding of mind or the cleaning of the Chakras, is consequently not of much avail. For this purpose we utilize our thought power in a proper way, under the guidance of a powerful Master who is capable of removing complexities and entanglements that hinder our progress and who transmits into us the force necessary for the upkeep of our spiritual life. The simplified course of spiritual training has rendered the highest spiritual flight possible for everyone whether man, woman, young or old, Grihastha or Virakta (recluse).
The preliminary step in the right type of training is that the aspirant’s tendencies of mind be directed towards God. For this the learned teachers of religion mostly prescribe physical practices of body and mind, picked up from religious books. People often find it a hard task to follow them and thus they remain lingering on indefinitely in the beginning with no further progress. A capable teacher should do this by own effort exercising the power of transmission in order to create a permanent and deep-rooted effect. When our mind is directed towards God we naturally begin to feel ourselves in touch with the Supreme Power in all our actions and workings. When this state of mind is permanently established within, every act we do, will then seem to be a part of devotion or Divine offering and we shall thereby be in constant