Page 269 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 269
Reality at Dawn - Spiritual Training
Besides, the practice creates internal heaviness and dullness of mind. One who is subject to such a practice for a long time loses sense of discrimination and his power of realization get blunt. In course of time he gets completely spoiled and becomes quite unfit for the real spiritual training. If a man does not grow lighter day by day he must conclude that he is receiving wrong type of spiritual training. Constant growth of lightness of mind and spirit is the surest test of spiritual progress.
Thus the real spiritual training is that which makes our mind disciplined and regulated, restores moderation in senses and faculties and creates lightness of spirit. Then alone internal peace and calmness is ensured and higher approach is possible. For this, the medium of a worthy master of high calibre, having the power of transmission at his command is absolutely essential and to him the aspirant must surrender with full faith and confidence.
Some people think that initiation alone is enough to solve their problem of life. If they are able some how or other to secure initiation with a Guru, they do not stand in need of any further effort or practice. They think that a push by the Guru will in the end extricate them from the entanglements of Samskaras and Maya and lead them on to liberation. The notion though literally true, may not be very encouraging unless you completely surrender to him and the master too is of an especially high calibre. The