Page 280 - Basic Writings of Sriramchandra
P. 280
Basic Writings of Sri Ramchandra
attachment. For this, we must snatch a few minutes from our hours of rest (preferably at bed-time) and pray to God with a sincere heart for His guidance and support on the path of duty. If we do it regularly with a heart full of love and devotion, the prayer shall never go unheard.
When we thus get awakened to the sense of duty and the idea of God becomes prominent in our hearts, we begin to treat realization as the primary object of life. Naturally our craving for it begins to grow stronger and we are thus led to frequent remembrance of God during our routine of daily work in spite of all our engagements and worries. Diversion from the path of duty is in fact not due to circumstances or outside engagements, but only due to the misdirected activities of the indiscipline mind. Mere consciousness of God cures many of the evils of the mind and removes difficulties from our path. We have thus to become conscious of God for the most part of the day during all our worldly activities.
Frequent remembrance of God, though greatly helpful is not all that we need for final success in realization. We generally begin an important thing in the name of God and it is customary almost in every religion to do so. But that is only a matter of formality and has no real significance. We never dedicate the thing to God in the real sense and at heart we are in fact quite away from the idea of God. Remembrance of God thus is of no avail. The real significance of the custom is that we must remain